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Apprenticeship Program

Want to become a licenced tattoo artist in Minnesota and provide permanent makeup services? The State requires 200 hours of supervised tattooing under a licensed supervisor. These 200 hours are your apprenticeship. As an apprentice, you are working towards your full licensure and have already completed your training and received your certification. That training can be with E & S Lounge or with another school. ​For details on receiving your training at E & S Lounge, see below.

At E & S Lounge, each apprentice will work with a licensed supervisor through our one year Apprenticeship Program. The supervisor will provide guidance so that you can become the best licensed tattoo artist. The one year Apprenticeship Program is $6000. A down payment of $3000 is required which will go towards your apprenticeship fee. Once 50 hours are complete, an additional $3000 will be required.​ 

If you decide you want to complete the training for certification, plus the Apprenticeship Program through E & S Lounge, the cost is $7500. ( Include one Training of your choice ) Any additional training it will be extra $1500.

Through hands-on training and working closely with our licensed supervisors, you will gain real-life experience to perfect your skills in permanent makeup and gain clients of your own.

If you're interested in learning more about our Apprenticeship Program, submit the form at the bottom of the page.

Training for Certification

Interested in performing permanent makeup tattoo for your career with the potential to make $10k-$20k per month? E & S Lounge offers training to receive your certification, meanwhile you gain experience by seeings clients to help reach your state-required 200 hours of service for your tattoo license.

We offer three different training options for your certification:

  • Eyebrow Microblade - Technique using a hand manual blade

  • Eyebrow Shading - Technique using permanent makeup tattoo machine

  • Eyeliners and Lip liners - Technique using permanent makeup tattoo machine

You can choose to do one, two, or all three trainings. One training costs $1800 with a starter kit or $1500 per training if you choose to do more than one training option. 

If you're interested in learning more about our training for certification, submit the form below.

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